About Ocularists.com
The mission of Ocularists.com is to provide information and resources on prosthetic eyes (ocular prosthesis) for patients and their families.

Ocularists.com is a portal website for location resources and information on the fitting and care of custom-made ophthalmic prosthetics, and preparing for surgery, and post surgery procedure, serving all the needs of prosthetic eye and facial prosthetic patients: from the initial custom design of prosthetic eyes and faces, to fitting, follow up, and on-going clinical ocularist care. Patients’ ocular prostheses and socket anatomy are continually monitored in coordination with referring ophthalmologists and oculo-plastic and plastic surgeons.

Our website also offers information and resources to Ocularists (artificial-eye makers), Ophthalmologists and Optometrists in order to help better serve their patients as well as foster, improve and promote research in ocular prosthetics; to instill mutual understanding and cooperation among all Ocularist members; to improve relationships and understanding with ophthalmologists; by education, research and mutual cooperation of the membership to advance the methods, techniques and skills of the Ocularist membership and, in general, to provide the public and patients with continual improvement in all fields and activities in which eye makers and eye care professionals engage.

In addition to the highest level of prosthetic eye information offered on the web, Ocularists.com also allows ocularists the ability to showcase their prosthetic eye technologies, such as the RealLifeEye™ Artificial Eye Technology and the Strauss Eye systems.